Adding some more judges, here and there.
[andmenj-acm.git] / lib / Mi manual de algoritmos / version_world_finals_2009 / src / grafos / tarjan.cpp
1 /* Complexity: O(E + V)
2 Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected
3 components.
5 *d[i] = Discovery time of node i. (Initialize to -1)
6 *low[i] = Lowest discovery time reachable from node
7 i. (Doesn't need to be initialized)
8 *scc[i] = Strongly connected component of node i. (Doesn't
9 need to be initialized)
10 *s = Stack used by the algorithm (Initialize to an empty
11 stack)
12 *stacked[i] = True if i was pushed into s. (Initialize to
13 false)
14 *ticks = Clock used for discovery times (Initialize to 0)
15 *current_scc = ID of the current_scc being discovered
16 (Initialize to 0)
18 vector<int> g[MAXN];
19 int d[MAXN], low[MAXN], scc[MAXN];
20 bool stacked[MAXN];
21 stack<int> s;
22 int ticks, current_scc;
23 void tarjan(int u){
24 d[u] = low[u] = ticks++;
25 s.push(u);
26 stacked[u] = true;
27 const vector<int> &out = g[u];
28 for (int k=0, m=out.size(); k<m; ++k){
29 const int &v = out[k];
30 if (d[v] == -1){
31 tarjan(v);
32 low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
33 }else if (stacked[v]){
34 low[u] = min(low[u], low[v]);
37 if (d[u] == low[u]){
38 int v;
39 do{
40 v =;
41 s.pop();
42 stacked[v] = false;
43 scc[v] = current_scc;
44 }while (u != v);
45 current_scc++;